Recipe Of Spring Roll


Food is a essential part of our life. The good food is always the weakness of human. People always want to know in which hotel, Restaurant and shops they will find a good food. What is actually the good food is?
Good food in my knowledge is that which smell and taste good. When you see the food your mouth is full of water or mouth watering food. Food is like the life of color. I really enjoy the food specially the good
food. The peoples who have the knowledge of ingredients and the ratio and portion of the
everything they make the good and tasty food. If the anything is missing in dish the food is not taste good and the most important part of preparation time. If the timing is good all ingredients cook properly and flavour is become more good. I think making a food is an art like artist you play every ingredients in your kitchen and make everyday something new and yummy.

The spices is very important role of our food the aroma or smell come to our food is just because of these spices. The timing of cooking of spices is also very important because if they burn it change the whole taste of food. So making of food is not just easy as we thought it requires patience and hard working then you will able to tell everybody that yes, I am a good chef and I am making a good food😊.
