Recipe Of Spring Roll

Delicious Chicken Curry

Hello friends here I am with my second blog about food as I already told you that cooking is my passion and I love to make food specially with my family and friends. As you all known that due to corona virus most countries are lock down situation so I am also stay in home with my family. So I decided to make some special dish for my children and specially for my wife❤ so I go to my kitchen and check what I have and what I will make today. So I find chicken in my refrigerator so it's really cool to me because everyone known that chicken cook so fast I mean in less time then I check the other things like spices and tomatoes because without spices I can't cook a good food. I think that spices is like the flavour of life for example that like salt if we add more salt in our food we can't eat just like that if peoples criticize so much then your moral is down but if peoples appreciate you in every step of your life than your moral is goes higher and higher is just like a perfect dish every spice in Aladdin good ratio just like my today dish.
Yummy yes I know that because after eating this my family really appreciate my efforts and of course my cooking expertise😊. But if you also enjoy to reading my blog and the dish I made please comment and share your opinions with me.
